OS Map Scales

A map scale is given as a ratio

Examples of map scales

1:1 000 000

1 cm measured on the map is 1000 000 cm, or 10 km,  in real life.

1:50 000

1 cm measured on the map is 50 000 cm, or 0.5 km,  in real life.

1:250 000

1 cm measured on the map is 250 000 cm, or 2.5 km,  in real life.


The distance from Dogstown to Catsville is 10cm on a  map which has a scale of
1 : 1000 000.
How far is this distance  in real life?



In real life , this is 10 x 1000 000 = 10,000 000 cm
10,000 000 cm = 100 000 m = 100 km
The distance from Dogstown to Catsville is 100 km

The distance from Mousehole to Catsville is 45km.
How far is this distance on a  map  which has a scale
of 1 : 50 000 ?

1 cm measured on the map is 50 000 cm, or 0.5 km,  in real life



solving using unitary direct proportion


solving using vedic maths
1:0.5  ::x: 45



By the Rule of Three





© Alexander Forrest