

Fractions are related to



Fraction Conversions

Fraction to  Percentage

Just divide the top number  (numerator)
by the bottom number ( denominator)
then multiply by 100  and add  a  % sign



1 8 9

Alternatively, convert the fraction so that the bottom number is 100, then write the converted  top number with a % sign


2 6 7


Fraction to Decimal


Just divide the top number  (numerator)
by the bottom number ( denominator)


3 4 5


Percentage Conversions


Percentage to Decimal  

Just divide the number by 100 and lose the % sign !


60 % = 0.6                           45% = 0.45             125% = 1.25

                           6 % = 0.06                    6¾ % = 0.0675


Percentage  to Fraction

Write number over a denominator of 100
simplify as best as you can




10 11 12



Decimal Conversions


Decimal to  percentage

Just multiply the number by 100 and add a % sign !


0.21 = 21%        0.128 = 12.8%       0.5 = 50 % 

              4.125 = 412.5%           1.75 = 175 %


1.78 = 178 %        5.128 = 512.8%       2.5 = 250 % 




Decimal to Fraction

Write down the number without the decimal point
If one digit -  put over 10,
 If two digits – put over 100
   If three digits – put over 1000,
            If four digits – put over 10000     etc.

Simplify !




13 14

15 b


© Alexander Forrest